How to create a google site map
Saturday, 09 January 2010
When consulting Google for an advice on how to create a site map. Google show you so many relevant links for software that you could buy or download for free in able to create a site map.
Why we need a site map?
Basically, when a websites get larger and more complex for both human and search engine spiders. It will need an easy to follow map to guide them in all the pages within a particular site. A site map will gives them a simple navigational instructions in able to find a particular page.
Benefits of Site Maps
- Site Map allows visitors to easily find what they are looking for by simply visiting it and clicking the link to get directly to the page.
- Web page readers and screen readers are technologies employed that is ready to assist in reading a web page by following text links. It is not always possible that a text link will be visible to every other page within the main page of a site and other pages. So use a site map instead of text link.
- Plain text and anchored text link are links by the search engine spiders. If search engine spiders can not follow a text link into a site, it will not index. Site Maps helps you to index all the pages of your site easily.
Text and keywords are the two things that search engine love that consist in a site map. To create a good site map, you can combine relevant keywords with an anchored text links. Example, on your site map, you may want to have a link to your web page about website promotion. So, your hyperlink should contains the word “website promotion” that links directly to that links directly to that page within your site.
A site map should not be fancy but should be clear and easy to navigate.
Tips to a good site map
Place a prominent link to your site in every page and label it, SITE MAP.
- It should show a basic text link of all your web pages through different levels.
- Use standard colors for links and visited links.
- It should have a quick and easy to follow over view of the site without scrolling around the web browser.
Google is now allowing people to submit multiple site maps as a way of letting Google know all your web pages and updates in your site. Even though it does not help you increase website page rank but worth it taking the time to set it up properly.
Find free software to create site map now at:
And when you’re done, don’t forget to tell Google about your site map so Google will crawl and index all the pages you have.
A well planned site map can ensure your web site is finally indexed by the search engines.
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