Accepting Credit Cards on your Website
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Before start an online shop you have to thing about methods to pay for orders. It would be a solution to receive check payments by email. Almost all shopping basket software offers the possibility to set this option. It’s the best and the easiest method to receive credit card payments over the phone in cases when you have an offline, bricks or mortar businesses.
Choosing the right payment processor for my online shopping website.
These solutions may cause you some difficulties, but in the most part depends on how customers do their online shopping. Most customers are used to add products in shopping baskets and then to pay at the cash register. In most cases customers are choosing a website where they don’t have to call or to print and send their order before buying something. People choose the online shops for their simplicity and convenience, and if you don’t offer them what they want then you lose your clients in a short period.
Probably you are afraid that these options will cost you a lot. Relax; it’s a very simple process and even very cheap. We recommend you the Paypal, which is one of the most trusted online payment processing and to set it up does not require any cost. It provides 78 million accounts in 56 countries around the world. You don’t have to spend money to set it up; the only expense will be a small percentage for every sale which presents a transaction cost. The incomes go directly in your Paypal account and from here you can easily make transactions to your bank account.
By using a payment processor you can link to their server from your shopping basket ability or you can use the button “add to basket” as a simple web question. The html is inserted near to items on your website so in this way customers will be linked to a secure server when they are ready to pay for their orders.
The popular trader accounts are working with their banks, becoming a part of the business account. If you have your own trader account then you have the possibility to choose from many online payments options. However, most of them charge a set up tax, a monthly tax and a transaction tax. Like you would be offline, check if you find any company with you had signed up online. Read carefully their terms and circumstances.
Inquire information about their taxes; find out when and how they will transfer your money in your account and from where they are operating.
Don’t forget to ask about the charge backs. We can talk about charge backs in situations when customers have already paid an amount of money to you and they ask a repayment. Customers do this in cases when the products which they ordered were not delivered; the product was damaged or wasn’t the same as in the advertising. We can also meet cases when happens fraud with the cards of buyers.
When your trade payment processor fulfills your repayment request then retains a processing tax. Some companies include this processing tax for the charge backs in the monthly fee. Spending a lot of time with finding the best option for you will not be in vain because after you finish the research you will feel in safe.
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