Choosing a cool Domain Name
Thursday, 29 April 2010
There are many discussions regarding to the most important elements that should be considering before purchase a domain name. A domain name definitely offers a clear vision about companies. You should choose a domain that offers: an advantage regard to the Search Engines, a vision about the brand and a good idea about your company. Don’t forget to make sure that the chosen domain it’s easy to memorize and to pronounce; and if it’s not used already in similar forms. For example if the it is already taken, then to choose the would cause problems because it can be confused very easy by users.
Search Engine Placement Domains
The intent of these domains is to earn a good position in search engines by choosing domains that contains very often searched keywords. Search Engine domains in most cases are used to redirect traffic to the main websites and also are the most brandable.
For example a company that sells dog food should register the and domains, because people who are looking for "dog food" will remember very easy these addresses; and also will gain a very good position in search engines.
Branding Domain Names
In cases when you change your offline business into online, the best choice for brand domains is the offline brand names as “.country extension” or “.com”. Choose the “.com” extension if in your country this offers more popularity then the “.country extension”. If this brand wasn’t before becoming online, then try to be very creative in terms of choosing a brandable name. There are a lot of registered domain names, so you may find out that the domain that you wanted is already taken by someone else.
Most domain experts are giving the advice to choose a shorter domain name, because it’s the best. A domain that contains approximately 5 letters it’s the most advisable for a brand name. But the domain pronunciation has to be easy. For example the .xyqpt it would be very hard to be memorable; so don’t choose this type of domains.
General Term Domains
The general term domains are the most common used in the height of the Internet Bubble.
Unfortunately many companies failed even if they had a domain as a keyword for their market. Like example don’t wanted to register as; because in this way they ought to concentrate just on the brand. However for this plan became successful, the generic words have their importance. Generic words domains are like the Search Engine Placement Domains; helps to gain more visitors. So the generic word domains are very often used and their importance is increasing. Take into consideration something regards to the Dot Com Bubble: even if the generic domains have their value in order to help a business to become successful, this is not everything for a dot com business!
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