Joomla CMS Review
Joomla Content Management System (CMS) is software that assists in keeping track of every kind of content in a website and works much like the same with the way a library does in keeping track of books as well as storing them. The content usually includes photos, text, documents, music, video and just about any other content that one can think of. Joomla has bagged accolades as being one of the best Content Management System (CMS) because of the way it helps one to build powerful online applications. Its roots date back to 2000 and have been growing phenomenally with currently over 200000 community users and contributors worldwide.
Joomla CMS is being used all over the world in numerous kinds of websites that include corporate Intranet and internet, Corporate websites and portals, e-commerce and all kinds of online reservations, online magazines, newspapers and other publications. Governmental bodies have also found the CMS quite useful in its applications as well as small business websites. It is also being used those NGOs with organizational websites, school and church websites, community based portals as well as personal and family home pages.
Joomla CMS is designed in a way that makes it uniquely easy to install and even set up even if the user is not have advanced knowledge on computer and internet applications. There are those website hosting service providers that offer a single click installation, making the website up and running within a few minutes.
Joomla - Easy to use content management system
Joomla is easy to use and this makes it easy for Website designers and developers to quickly build sites for their clients. Clients are able to easily manage their own websites due to the minimal supervision that is required of the Joomla CMS. The CMS is incredibly extensible with thousands of extensions available. The extensions usually come free of charge under the GPL license and can be found in the Joomla Extensions Directory.
There are some advanced ways through which the use of Joomla CMS can be effectively implemented. Joomla has powerful application framework that enables developers to come up sophisticated add-ons, which help in extending its power to numerous directions. With the Joomla framework, developers can effectively build application bridges, Data reporting tools, Inventory control systems, Reservation systems, Complex business directories, Custom product catalogs, Communication tools, Reservation systems as well as integrated e-commerce systems. The fact that Joomla is PHP and MySQL based makes is quite easy to build powerful applications on an open platform whereby user can be able to share and support. The interface has drop downs and therefore it has a numerous places whereby one can hide content. There are other tons of options that can be found on the admin panel, some of which include the breakdown of categories, sections and content.
Some of the popular organizations that are currently using Joomla CMS include Harvard University, the South African Sensor interiors, Citibank, MTV Networks Quizilla (For Social Networking), The Eco-resource Green Maven, and the IHOP restaurant chain. A more detailed list of other companies can be found Joomla Community Site Showcase.
Many hosting companies offer free joomla installation to their servers. This can be done by the users through the powerful, one click installation script: Fantastico. Choose a joomla web hosting, that fits your hosting requirements and get your free domain name today.
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