Are you looking for cheep web hosting?
If you're looking to set up a website, for business or for pleasure, then it's likely that you're looking to get the cheapest web hosting deal possible. This is especially true in the current economic climate, where everybody from major corporations to hobby programmers are anxious to cut costs. However, with web hosting, as with so much else in life, you tend to get what you pay for. Cheap web hosting can work out very expensive if you don't take the time to do your research. In this article, we'll look at some of the things you need to consider besides price to ensure that you get the best deal possible.
What to consider choosing a cheap hosting
1. Customer Support
This should always be your main consideration. Things can and do go wrong, so you need to know that fast, effective help is available. If your website goes down, it could cost you money. Does your cheap web hosting company have a help desk that's available to answer your queries and resolve your problems twenty four hours a day? Will they actually be able to resolve your query when you ask them to? How long will they take to solve your problem?
2. Reliability
Can you rely on your cheap web hosting company to actually keep your website running and visible on the web? Most companies guarantee 99% or even 99.9% uptime, but what is that guarantee actually worth? Before you sign up to anything, you need to find out if there is a compensation scheme in place if uptime guarantees aren't met. If so, how will that compensation be paid? Through a reduction in monthly fees, or through single payments?
3. Company History
How long has the company been in business? It seems that more and more cheap web hosting companies are springing up all over the web - and they can disappear just as quickly, taking your website with them. If possible, find out about the company's financial position too. Generally speaking, it's safer to go with a company that's been in business for two or three years, and that has shown reasonably stable profits, than to be tempted by a new company on the block. They may offer better deals, but if they suddenly go bust, it could be a very false economy.
4. Upgrading
Does the service provider allow you to upgrade when you want to? Some cheap web hosting companies set your allocation of bandwidth and disk space when you sign up, and that's it for all time. However, as your website develops, you'll probably find that you need more storage space and traffic allowances. A good host will be happy to let you upgrade at any time.
If you're looking for cheap web hosting, don't be afraid to ask questions - and if you don't like the answers you receive, don't be afraid to take your business elsewhere.
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