HostGator Uptime
One aspect to keep in mind while choosing a hosting firm is the uptime for the servers that you connect on to. There might be times when you find that when you are browsing through a particular sight. You don’t find any contents; the page is freeze and so on. That is the uptime. The uptime needs to be perfect for anyone to view a website in a flow that again depends on the quality range and the proper updates on servers at regular intervals.
There are many companies who provide hosting facility to their clients, however how will one find the perfect host? The answer is right here. Consult with companies, firms, or persons who have designed websites for their online based business. They will tell you the answer. Things to keep in mind while hosting a website of your own. Some of them are page setup, colors, contraction, pictures, templates and last but not the least and the very important aspect is uptime. Anyone can create a website not a big deal at all. Is Proper server connection available at all times is what one needs to look into. Is your customer able to view your site at all times. If yes, you are successful. If not, why is it? It is because of poor server backup or regular updation in server.
HostGator Up-time Guarantee
HostGator uptime is the top one within the industry at present. With reseller and shared hosting packages, Customers receive a 99.9 percent up time guarantee. There are dedicated hosting solution companies offering reliable and consistent uptime as well, however the reason why HostGator is the number one in the market is there customer support facility as well as the up-time guarantee Customer with a shared or reselling plan will not a downtime of 0.1percent at any given month. I.e. the quality of server they use. Not to forget at times there are server up gradations happening with Hostgator at those rare cases there might be slightly higher downtime, but the best part is, it will be informed to them in advance. Customer satisfaction and pride is all what they believe in and that is the reason why they are the pioneers in hosting.
If a customer finds or thinks that he or she had a slightly higher downtime then they can always clarify it with them. , uptime is calculated by the reports captured from the operating system and Apache Web Server. Clients can state the reason as to when it happened and what impact it had to their business, if they find that it is a genuine case then you will get a compensation. Customer’s words are always taken by them. For them a customer is a king and a king is never wrong. That is how loyal they are with their customers. They can get a one month credit if is a minor server down however customers are not able to request a one month credit if their estimate of uptime for the month is derived from a third party source. The figures provided by third parties are not always right hence most of the times it won’t be taken into consideration..
If a client believes that his uptime is less than 99.9% in any given month, then they are free to email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with the relevant information, which states the time, and date when it happened. They will surely get back to you.
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