Fatcow Servers
As there are thousands of web hosting companies operating in the market, you will definitely get confused when selecting the right one. Although people go by word of mouth or rely on the reputation of the company, most of them are not able to obtain the right service they are looking for. Therefore, it is quite imperative to dig little deeper to know more about the services and benefits offered by the company before selecting one. This will help you to know the type and quality of different services they use.
In this article, we will discuss deeper by checking the type of servers used by FatCow, which is considered as one of top web hosting companies in the market today.
Know How Reliable the Services Offered by FatCow Are
Before you get deeper into the service provided by FatCow, it is very important to know about the reliable service provided by the company. This brief overview will give you some idea on the quality of the hosting services provided by the company. Mainly, the reliability of the web hosting company will be considered by the uptime guarantees, which the company offers for the customers.
When it comes to FatCow, they are offering 99.9 percent uptime guarantee for the customers. In order to ensure the reliability of services offered by the company, the company is using a state-of-the-art balancing technology. This will ensure the reliability of the company when it comes to uptime. FatCow is also performing daily backups of data. They are also providing multi-gigabit connection to Internet as well as uninterrupted power supply with the assistance of the solid backup generation system.
Know more about the Quality, Reliability and Type of Servers offered by FatCow
Do you know what are the important servers used by FatCow? In the data center of the company, they are using the Apache servers, which are considered as one of the best servers available in the market today. It is also considered as one of the most developed servers in the hosting industry due to its innate characteristics.
Generally, the Apache servers are also considered as the best as well as most stable servers that could be used for web hosting. Apart from its stability, these servers are also very easy to install, maintain as well as configure.
Therefore, as FatCow is using Apache servers, you will be able to expect excellent performance as well as stability from the company. Most of the website owners who are using these services are able to obtain high quality solutions and services for their websites. It does not matter whether you have a business-oriented or personal website, you will be assured with ninety nine percent uptime guarantees. The Apache server used by FatCow will definitely work for your advantage. As the company is also providing 24x7 services for its customers, you will be able to call them anytime for assistance. Once you contact the customer support desk, they will provide you the assistance within a short time.
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