Fatcow Uptime
If you are seriously looking for a web hosting company for the online business you are running, make sure you go for the right option to obtain good results. You should also consider various factors as every thing could contribute to your venture’s betterment. One such important factor, which you should look for is the uptime record of the company you are selecting for your hosting needs. Do you know that is the importance of this? Well, if you consider time as your money, they you will understand why uptime counts are very important. If your uptime is all time low, you will not only lose the precious earning of your business, but will also lose your important clients and customers.
FatCow - A Company You Can Trust
If you are looking for hassle free web hosting services, Fat Cow could be the best option for you. The company is providing highly uptime and consistent services for the customers in the market today. According to the surveys and researches conducted on the internet, the company is considered as the top, which is providing uptime for the servers.
In January 2009 alone, FatCow was able to nail a very striking 99.797% uptime over the Internet. This is certainly great when you compare them with other web hosting firms operating in the market today.
Fast and Reliable servers by FatCow
If you have to fully know the why the FatCow servers are able to provide very fast and unparalleled response time, you should check out their actual figures. The overall response time rate of the company is at a good 0.28 seconds average. Therefore, an average checking time for its servers will run at five minutes. This will also help you to get rid of the small failure results that may occur in other options. For instance, a 1.32 second check was able to yield 8853 checks where only 18 where failed. As the FatCow was able to peg one hundred percent nearly all of the check runs, the previous month was pretty good for them. Most of their clients as well as customers are able to enjoy hassle free services online. The timely support provided by the company is also one of the main reasons why many companies are selecting them.
Uptime Guarantee by FatCow Hosting
In fact, if you glace at the graphical presentations that will give you information on the response rates of the checks, you will be able to see that their down-times are just visible. One of the greatest advantages is the company is providing twenty four hour services in and out for the customers and clients. Therefore, it does not matter what type of problem you are encountering, you will be able to call for assistance anytime. There are some of the best evidences that will show the guarantee provided by the company for its clients and customers. Once you opt for the services of Fat Cow, you will be amazed to see the service and up-time provided by the company.
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